Benefits to Internships

  • Making you stand out on your CV
    • Job interviews and graduate school interviews and applications
    • The skills you have gained
    • The experiences you have gained
      • People have travelled, but not the way you will have traveled by participating in this program. You had the opportunity to experience travelling in a unique and meaningful way.
  • Helping you become a well rounded individual and a global citizen
    • You have gained a better understanding of how you (culture, heritage, and values) impact the world around you
    • You have gained a better understanding of how to work with diverse individuals
  • Offering you a real world and immersive experience
    • You will have more job and graduate school opportunities because you have had this immersive experience
    • It shows that you have a willingness to learn in a unique way
  • Providing you with an understanding how the past shapes today’s complex world
  • Increasing your appreciation for travel as a path toward that knowledge and informed perspective
    • You will learn a new way to travel
    • You will have a new appreciation for travel and what you can gain from travelling
  • Teaching you to build capacity for facilitating meaningful encounter and effective dialogue across cultures
    • You will have a better understanding of diversity and the impacts the way you view the world and work with diverse individuals in your graduate program or job
    • You will be able to add meaningful content to discussions and will be better equipped to challenge others and when others challenge you
  • Challenging and reshaping fundamental notions of cultural and personal identity

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